Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Just in time for Valentine's Day comes this book trailer for my latest erotic romance: Torn Between Two Lovers: A Civil War Romance.

I've always been fascinated by the Civil War and absolutely loved Ken Burn's series that used the hauntingly beautiful tune "Ashokan Farewell" as its the theme song.  Every time I hear it I want to cry, thinking of all of the brave men, including my Great Grandfather, who fought in the war.

I especially loved seeing the couples together for their formal photographs with the men dressed in their uniforms.  One of the most poignant segments in the series was the reading of Sullivan Ballou letter to his wife that he wrote the night before he was killed at the Battle at Bull Run.  It is so eloquent and touching. I dare you not to cry when you read it.

Sullivan Ballou Letter

My historical romance Torn Between Two Lovers: A Civil War Romance is about a young southern woman who is in love three men: her husband who died in the war, a Yankee soldier who is wounded aboard the steamboat, The Sultana, and a handsome doctor who treats wounded soldiers in a cordoned-off section of the famous Gayoso Hotel in Memphis. After her husband dies, she tries to commit suicide but is distracted from drowning herself when she sees something floating on the Mississippi River after the fire on the steamboat.  It turns out to be a wounded soldier atop on a coil of rope. She takes him home with her and tends to his wounds, all the while fearing that her neighbors will discover she's been harboring a Yankee in her house.  When his condition gets worse,  she takes him to the hospital and ends up falling in love with his doctor.  Juggling two men at the same time is not a simple feat, as she finds out when she fails to tell that soldier that she's engaged.  You'll have to buy the book to find out what happens next.  It is sexually explicit, so it's meant for readers 18+.  Here's where you can purchase it.  It is also available in paperback at Amazon.