Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sexy Cozy Mystery

The Salacious Scribes Mystery 

"I never imagined when I joined an erotic romance writing group that one of us would be killed at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. It had all started out so fun." So begins this humorous and PG-Rated romantic cozy mystery about the relationships between writers and what happens when one of them is killed. 

For Adults Only. 

Only 99 cents. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Noir Mystery


Do you like to read, write, or watch noir mysteries?

In my erotic murder mystery called “Taken In”, I write about a noir detective. He falls for the seductive prime suspect in a case he’s investigating.  It’s a battle of the sexes that has some scenes of bondage and sexual power play in it and is meant for adults only. I channeled Bogart and Bacall when I created the main characters.

Here’s an excerpt:

Detective Harrison saw police cars and CSI vans in the front of the house where the man was killed and parked across the street from a row of grand houses—certainly not his usual crime scene.  The mansion’s graceful arches and lush garden were now cordoned off—violated by crime scene tape. He stepped out of his car to see what waited for him behind the closed doors.  What secrets did these wealthy people hide from the rest of their high society friends?

He stepped under the crime scene tape, climbed up to the front door, and pushed it open.  The front room had expensive antique furniture and area rugs covered a perfectly polished hardwood floor.  He saw a wall safe with its door open.  Crime scene investigators dusted for prints and took photographs.  He recognized a patrol officer and walked over to him.

“Hey, Sergeant Avery.  What happened here?  Were you the first on the scene?”

“Yes, I was.  There’s our dead guy, Mr. Charles Forshey, over there,” he told him, pointing to a man in his mid-fifties who was tied to a chair. 

Detective Harrison walked over to him and the sergeant followed.

Harrison looked at the rope pattern that tied the victim’s arms and said, “Hmmm. That’s interesting?”

“What is?”

He pointed to the man’s arms. “Look how intricately the rope was tied.  Somebody had skills tying things up and knew what they were doing.  It would have taken some time to strap him in like this.”

“If someone was trying to tie me up against my will, I would have been flaying my arms around.”

“It looks like he cooperated with whoever tied him up.”

“Maybe he knew his killer?”

“Possibly.”  He walked around the chair and saw the blood caked on the back of the victim’s head.

“It looks like he was shot execution-style.”

“We’ll know more after the coroner examines him.  Have you been able to find the gun?”

“Not yet, sir.”

“Who called it in?”

“His wife.  Apparently, she was on a business trip and when she arrived home, found him dead.”

“How’s she holding up?”

“She’s having a hard time.”

“Where is she?”

“In the courtyard by the fountain, last I saw her.”

“What’s her name?”

“Jessica Forshey.”

“Okay.  Thanks.  I’ll go see how she’s doing.”

He left the house and walked along a stone path lined with rose bushes on either side and saw a woman sitting at a table with her back to him. The first things he noticed were her shapely calves. One leg was crossed over the other and he saw the red-lacquered sole of a Christian Louboutin designer shoe, his footwear of choice for his submissives. Trying not to startle her, he walked in front of the table and said, “Ms. Forshey...”

She jumped upon seeing him, uncrossed her legs, and sat up straight. “Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m Detective Jay Harrison. I’m in charge of this case.” He showed her his badge.

“I see,” she answered, wiping her eyes, wet from crying. Her beauty took his breath away. She bore a striking resemblance to Lauren Bacall when she starred in To Have and Have Not. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was softly curled and parted on the side. Her eyes were a perfect mixture of blue and green and her eyebrows were perfectly arched, looking as if she could see right through anyone who talked to her. She wore a checkered jacket and a tight white blouse that just barely reined in her large breasts.

He cleared his throat and tried to stop thinking about how sexy she was. Sitting down at the table across from her, he said, “I know this is a difficult time and I’ll try not to inconvenience you too much.”

“Thank you,” she softly answered, and held an embroidered handkerchief up to her nose.

“I just have a few questions. I understand that you were gone on a business trip, came home from the airport, and found him dead.”

“That’s right.”

“What airline did you take?”


“What city did you visit?”


“And what kind of business?”

“I’m a buyer. There was a convention I attended.”

“I see. Is there anyone who can vouch for your whereabouts over the last 24 hours?”

“I was on a plane. Everyone could vouch for me if they remembered what I look like.”

“Oh, I think they’d definitely remember your face.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, because you are very beautiful.”

She blushed deeply and he could see that she liked to be complimented. That may come in handy later, he told himself.

“How did you get back to your house?”

“I drove home. I left my car in the airport’s parking garage. Why all the questions?”

“We always ask the person who found the body these questions. Often, the killer knew the victim.”

“You’re making me nervous,” she said and reached for a pack of cigarettes on the table. She put one in her mouth and he picked up a silver lighter lying on the table. When he lit her cigarette, she rested her fingertips on his hand and then slowly and sensually blew out a cloud of smoke. She glanced over at him and smiled.

He looked at the lighter more closely and read, “JRF. Are these your initials?”


“What’s your middle name?”


“Very personalized. I like it when things are engraved. It’s classy.”

“If you say so.”

“Okay, Ms. Forshey—"

“Call me Jessica,” she flirted.

“Ms. Forshey,” he insisted, “What was the first thing you saw when you came home?”

“The front door was open. I thought that maybe my husband had forgotten to close it. He’s been quite forgetful lately. He had early-onset dementia.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.”

“Tragic,” she said, flicking the ash off her cigarette into an oyster shell ashtray on the table.

“What did you see next?”

“The door to the safe was open.”

“Was it empty?”

“Yes. Someone took my jewelry and two gold bars.”

“Did your safe have a painting in front of it?”

“Yes. A landscape by Cezanne. I’m surprised the burglar didn’t take it. It’s worth a fortune.”

“I’ll have to take a look. Cezanne is one of my favorite artists.”

“Mine, too,” she answered and looked at him with a disarming smile.

“When did you notice that your husband was in the room?”

“Shortly after that.”

“Do you have any idea who might have wanted to kill him?”

“No. Everyone liked him. He didn’t have any enemies.”

“Oh, okay.”

He was quiet for a few beats and then asked, “Do you or your husband own a gun?”

“My husband kept one in a bedroom drawer.”

“Is it still there?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t looked.”

Which bedroom was yours?”

“His was upstairs to the left.”

He thought, hmmm…they don’t sleep together. Why not? Is there trouble in paradise?

“I’ll take a look before I leave.”

“Am I under arrest, Detective?”

“Should you be?”

“Do you always answer a question with a question?” Sounding defensive she said, “I wasn’t even in town. Ask my employer if you need confirmation.”

“I will. Where do you work?”

“At Saks Fifth Avenue.”

He handed his card to her. “Please write down your supervisor’s name and phone number.”

After she had done so and given him back his card, he said, “One more thing. Have you ever been on a sailboat?”

She laughed and said, “No. What a funny question. Why do you ask?”

“The ropes that bound him. Whoever did it knew some very intricate rope patterns.”

“You think I tied him up?”

“I’m just trying to gather as much information as I can. Nothing personal.”

She arched one of her well-defined eyebrows and tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out what made him tick.

He stood and said, “No. You’re not under arrest, Ms. Forshey. Just let me know if you plan to leave town.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out one of his cards.

She stood and he noticed how well she looked in a knee-length pencil skirt. She was tall for a woman—probably five foot ten. He shook her hand and told her, “I’m going to look for the gun.”

She answered him with a nod.


Do you want to read more? If so, it’s available for 99 cents at Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo Adult, Smashwords, and Google Play.

 Here’s the Amazon link:

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for free.



Monday, February 12, 2024

Mardi Gras, New Orleans, Storyville, Erotic Romance


Can't go to New Orleans and be part of the festivities? Why not be an armchair traveler and read "Storyville: A Time Travel Erotic Romance" instead? It takes place in New Orleans and is a travel time tale about a young woman who moves to New Orleans and falls in love with a seductive ghost who once played the piano in the brothels there during the late 1800s.

Here’s an excerpt:

I asked the sexy Creole young man, “Where are you taking me?"

We’re going to Storyville.  That’s where I live.”

“Storyville?  You mean the famous red-light district?”


“I’ve read about it.  Storyville doesn’t exist anymore.  Are we going back in time?”

“Yes.  Back to 1899.”

“Wow!  This is weird, but exciting, too.”  I couldn’t believe it.  “Wow!” I said again.

“I hope you like it.”

“What do you do there in Storyville?”

“I play piano in some of the brothels.”

“Wow!  That’s where Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton got their start!”

“You know about them?”

“Yeah.  My grandfather likes jazz.”

“If you like jazz, you’ve come to the right place.”

I could hear music playing in the distance.  Before he opened the door, he said, “Are you ready to go back to 1899 with me?”

“Sure.  I’d follow you anywhere.”

He opened the door, and we went down some stairs. He opened another door and I saw a barely recognizable Basin Street.  Back then, it had railroad tracks running down the middle of the street.  People were scurrying about wearing Victorian-era clothing.  There were two-storied stately mansions, some adorned with turrets and cupolas, lining the street.  Some of the houses had naked women hanging out of the upper floor windows trying to tempt the men on the street to come inside and join them.  There were saloons and gambling parlors.

He said, “We’re going to the Mahogany House.”

“Okay,” I answered, ready for anything.

“Have you ever heard of Lulu White?”

“No.  Who is she?”

“She runs this place,” he said as we walked up to the door of a large mansion.  “It’s a lot nicer than some of the brothels down here.  It even has a marble staircase and two parlors.”

He opened a door and I saw half-dressed women sitting in a parlor talking to men.  A pianist in the corner was playing ragtime music.

He led me up the marble staircase and we came to a room.  I didn’t know what surprises he had in store for me next.  It was all so thrilling!

We entered a very plush bedroom filled with antiques.  It had a large crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.  At first, I didn’t notice her: I was too busy looking at him and the dazzling interior. Then, I saw her—a red-headed young woman sitting up in a four-poster bed.  She was wearing a dressing gown that barely covered her large breasts.  I looked at him with fire in my eyes and said, “What’s this all about?!  Why are we here?”

He told me, “I wanted you to meet Lily, my wife.”

“Your wife!” I shouted.  “You never told me you were married!”  I was about ready to murder him.

Defensively, he answered, “I do have a past, you know.  I don’t exist in a vacuum.   I’ve known Lily since I was a child.  We grew up together.”

“Is she a prostitute?”


“And you’re never jealous about her having sex with other men?”

“It’s all we’ve ever known.  We have an understanding.”

With building anger, I shoved his chest and yelled, “I want to go home.  I don’t like you anymore.”

He gripped my hands, trying to get me to stay.  I was surprised when he said, “Don’t be jealous.  I’m not going to be having sex with her. You are.”

He winked at me. I told myself, now I get it. He wants to watch. Well, I’ll put on quite a show, if that’s what he desires.  

Do you want to read more? This erotic story is available at Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Kobo and Smashwords.

Here's the Amazon link:

Sunday, January 7, 2024

"Sugar Daddy" an erotic romance by Maggie May


A humorous erotic romance about a young librarian who meets a handsome slightly older man who comes into her library while he's on jury duty next door at the courthouse.

Would you like to read more?
It only costs 99 cents.
Sugar Daddy is available at all your 
favorite online bookstores.

Click Here To Purchase Sugar Daddy: 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Free Erotic Noir Mystery


I love old film noir mysteries. Do you?

This picture was one of many that inspired my erotic mystery, "Taken In." 

Here's an excerpt from "Taken In":

"They were silent for a few minutes, bathed in the afterglow. Coltrane’s saxophone played dreamily in the background. 

She noticed a gold-plated cigar ashtray on the bedside table and asked, “Do you mind if I smoke, honey?” 

“Sure.  Be my guest."  

She walked over to her purse and pulled out a cigarette, then came back to bed. Sitting up and leaning against the headboard, she lit her cigarette and blew out a few smoke rings. Both sat wordlessly, listening to the music, each deep in thought.  When the song ended, Jessica stood and said, “You know, Detective. I’m really going to miss this.”

With hooded eyes, he glared at her with suspicion. “What do you mean you’re going to miss this?” 

She put out her cigarette and gathered her belongings.  After dressing, she reached into her handbag, pulled out a compact, and reapplied her cherry red lipstick. Drawing out each word, she told him, “Detective Harrison, you are very lucky that I like you.”

Then, abruptly, she stood and kissed the top of his head and headed for the door.

“What the hell did you mean by that?” he yelled. "Hey, Jessica! Where are you going?!" 

"Bye, honey," she replied and quietly shut the door behind her.

He was flabbergasted by her behavior and cried out, "Hey! Jessica! This isn't fun and games anymore! I'm serious! Where are you going?! Untie me! Get me out of this damn chair!"

Only silence, in a darkened room, echoed his complaint."


From "Taken In" by Maggie May. Adults only. Contains a few BDSM power play scenes that may offend some readers. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

Only 99 cents. Free with Kindle Unlimited

Buy Links:



Barnes and Noble:



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Hell on Wheels--Told from an 18-year-old Girl's Point of View


I've been working on a PG-rated audio version for this title all day. It's been a fun learning process. 

Meanwhile, here's the sexy eBook version. 

Historical erotica that takes place in the 1800s on the American Frontier. 

Hell on Wheels--told from an 18-year-old girl's point of view.

Amazon Link:

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mardi Gras


Happy Mardi Gras! 

Take a trip to Storyville, New Orleans with this erotic story that partially takes place in a brothel there.

Here’s a sexy excerpt from Storyville: A Time Travel Erotic Romance:

“Where are we going?” I asked as Jan Baptise led me towards his family plot.

“We’re going to Storyville.  That’s where I live.”

“Storyville?  You mean the famous red-light district?”


“I’ve read about it.  Storyville doesn’t exist anymore.  Are we going back in time?”

“Yes.  Back to 1899.”

“Wow!  This is weird, but exciting, too.”  I couldn’t believe it.  “Wow!” I said again.

“I hope you like it.”

“What do you do there in Storyville?”

“I play piano in some of the brothels.”

“Wow!  That’s where Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton got their start!”

“You know about them?”

“Yeah.  My grandfather likes jazz.”

“If you like jazz, you’ve come to the right place.”

I could hear music playing in the distance.  Before he opened the door, he said, “Are you ready to go back to 1899 with me?”

“Sure.  I’d follow you anywhere.”

He opened the door, and we went down some stairs. He opened another door and I saw a barely recognizable Basin Street.  Back then, it had railroad tracks running down the middle of the street.  

People were scurrying about wearing Victorian-era clothing.  There were two-storied stately mansions, some adorned with turrets and cupolas, lining the street.  Some of the houses had naked women hanging out of the upper floor windows trying to tempt the men on the street to come inside and join them.  There were saloons and gambling parlors.

He said, “We’re going to the Mahogany House.”

“Okay,” I answered, ready for anything.

“Have you ever heard of Lulu White?”

“No.  Who is she?”

“She runs this place,” he said as we walked up to the door of a large mansion.  “It’s a lot nicer than some of the brothels down here.  It even has a marble staircase and two parlors.”

He opened a door and I saw half-dressed women sitting in a parlor talking to men.  A pianist in the corner was playing ragtime music.

Jan led me up the marble staircase and we came to a room.  I didn’t know what surprises he had in store for me next.  It was all so thrilling!


Want to read more? Here’s where you can get the entire story. It’s only 99 cents and is available at the major online bookstores:

Amazon Link: